
Online marketplace for wines and spirits


Globus Wines is a major wine supplier in South-East Asia. It furnishes large hotel chains with wine, as well as operating its own wine tasting bars in Shanghai.

Being experts in the field, the Globus Wines team noticed that the wine market is very archaic and does not allow entry for small producers, as their volume of supply is far less than that of market majors. For the purposes of expanding the business, as well as bringing higher quality wines to the region, they came up with the idea of an online marketplace – Bottlez. Taboo Media provided Globus Wines with consulting services, project assessment, architecture and UX/UI design, frontend and Magento-based backend development.


We created a responsive website for Bottlez, as well as developing an API (Application Programming Interface) for mobile apps.

Bottlez creates an instant e-commerce presence for small-scale producers and connects them directly to end buyers. The best growers and sellers from around the world have the opportunity to sell their products to a pooled customer base. They benefit from free listings and low transaction fees. To ascertain the quality of the wines on offer, Bottlez recruits wine experts who curate the selection and give unbiased advice and recommendations to customers.
The online marketplace is based on an advanced Magento platform that works with a variety of secure payment gateways, including region-specific systems, such as Alipay. Sellers can create their own profiles, determine their selling prices and discounts, enter detailed information about their wines, determine their shipping rates and policies and even set up email and social media marketing. Customers can browse through a wide selection of wines, compare them and find the most competitive offers. Shipping costs and excise taxes are automatically calculated for the consumers’ convenience. There is also an option to buy collectively. Customers can group together to purchase one large offer and have it delivered separately. At first, Bottlez was launched in the test region of China, before being released in Taiwan, Singapore, France and the UK. After the development process was over, we passed the project to the client with operational instructions for their support team.

attention to detail


web screens designed over the course of development

At first, Bottlez was launched in the test region of China and then was released in Taiwan, Singapore, France and the UK. After the development process was over, we have passed the project on to the client with operational instructions for their support team.

Technical specs


  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Bootstrap
  • jQuery
  • Ajax
  • ProrotypeJS
  • Canvas


  • Linux
  • Magento
  • Nginx
  • PHP
  • MySQL
  • Git
  • Composer
  • PHPCs
  • phpMD
  • Bamboo
  • MailGun
  • PayPal
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